What Is A Comprehensive Sexual Health Panel?
According to the World Health Organization, sexual health is the overall well-being of individuals, couples, and families. Sexually Transmitted Infections can lead to health problems such as infertility, blindness, severe organ damage, and even cancer of the genitals. Therefore, the topic of sexual health needs proper consideration and guidance.
Every person must achieve sexual health depending on their accessibility to standard quality information about sex, sexuality, sexual health care, and sexual orientation. So, people need to be aware of the complications of sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancy, abortion, sexual violence, sexual dysfunction, and harmful sexual practices.
Comprehensive Sexual Health Panel
The comprehensive sexual health panel is a test panel comprising 10 tests for STDs. The test is ideal for individuals who have engaged in sexual intercourse or similar activities. The test involves the examination of genital fluid. In other words, blood tests, plasma tests, and urine tests help in the diagnosis of STIs. No fasting is required for a comprehensive sexual health panel test. The list of 10 STIs diagnosed by a comprehensive sexual health panel are-
A plasma test is used to test the presence of syphilis virus- Treponema pallidum. In addition, the test displays accurate results after 3 to 6 weeks of exposure. Following are the symptoms of syphilis.
- Presence of bumps or tumors on genitals
- Dementia
- Headaches and impairing concentration
- Vaginal discharge.
- Development of sores in oral, anal, and genital areas
- Presence of painless ulcers
Hepatitis A, B, and C
A blood test helps to diagnosis hepatitis. For hepatitis A, 2 to 7 weeks are required after testing after exposure. Whereas, hepatitis B and hepatitis C require testing after 3 8 and 8 to 9 weeks after exposure respectively. Following are the signs and symptoms associated with hepatitis.
- Discharge of dark-colored urine
- Presence of yellow eyes and skin
- Unexplained fatigue and tiredness
- Flu-like symptoms
- Abdominal pain and spasm
HIV 1 and HIV 2
For testing the presence of human immunodeficiency virus, blood samples are collected from the patient’s body giving results within 9 to 11 days post possible exposure. Following are the signs and symptoms associated with HIV.
- Development of ulcers in the mouth and genital regions, oral thrush, sore throat,
- Prolonged fever
- Unusual lesions
- Unexplained fatigue
- Persistent skin rashes
Herpes-type 1 and type 2
Blood samples are collected from the patient’s body giving results within four to six weeks after possible exposure to detect the presence of the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Herpes-type 1 causes oral herpes resulting in the development of cold sores and fever blisters on the face and mouth. Herpes-type 2 is genital herpes causing pain, discomfort, and inflammation of genital areas. Following are the signs and symptoms associated with herpes.
- Presence of blister sores
- Pain and discomfort while urinating
- Swelling of lymph nodes
- Unexplained and prolonged fatigue, tiredness, and fever
- Loss of appetite
- Eye pain and eye discharge
A urine test helps to determine the presence of Chlamydia trachomatis, a bacteria responsible for causing STI chlamydia. The accurate results are available within two to five days after possible exposure. Following are the signs and symptoms associated with Chlamydia.
- Burning sensation while urinating
- Pain in testicles (in men) and cervix (in females)
- Pain during sex
- Continuous vaginal discharge
- Greenish-yellow discharge from the penis
A urine test helps to diagnose gonorrhea, STI caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. After that, the accurate results are available within two to six days after possible exposure. Following are the signs and symptoms associated with gonorrhea.
- Redness and swelling of the penile tissues
- Prolonged sore throat
- Pus-like discharge from the penis (in men) and vagina (in females)
- Changes in frequency of urination
- Pain and inflammation in testicles
It’s Important To Consult A Doctor
Therefore, if any individual is facing any problems during intercourse, while urinating, or experiencing discomfort in the genital areas, it is advisable to consult a doctor. In addition, patients must communicate following things with the doctor.
- If your partner had other sexual partners
- Medications consumed by the person (for instance- birth control pills or hormone regulation tablets)
- Any suspected exposure to sexually transmitted infections
- Types of protections used while having oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse
To sum up, sexually transmitted infections can cause severe health problems if left unintended. The topic of sexual health needs proper consideration and guidance. So. every person must achieve sexual health depending on their accessibility to standard quality information about sex, sexuality, sexual health care, and sexual orientation. Furthermore, individuals must seek professional and certified medical help in case of any suspicion regarding the presence of STIs. To conclude, the comprehensive sexual health panel test helps in the diagnosis of 10 STIs- Syphilis, HIV 1, HIV 2, Hepatitis A, B, and C, Herpes type 1 as 2, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia.