Simple Ways to Promote Heart Health

Your heart is an organ only the size of a fist, yet it is able to pump gallons of blood every minute of every day to keep you alive. You don’t want to make the heart’s job harder, but your lifestyle habits and food choices might inadvertently place strain on your heart. Work these suggestions into your daily routine to easily and naturally promote your heart health.

Get Up and Move

You don’t need a reminder that exercising is healthy, but you may need a reminder to add extra physical activity into your day. Studies consistently show that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to heart disease and the premature aging of arteries. One study of 2,000 adults found that every hour of sitting per day equated to a 14 percent increase in coronary artery calcification, which is a sign of damaged heart arteries. (more…)

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What You Should Know about Employee Drug Testing

It’s no secret that employers in Long Island, New York and Tampa, Florida do not want their employees under the influence of any type of drug, even outside of working hours. As a result, many transportation, safety-sensitive, and high-stakes job positions do require clean drug tests in order for employees to retain their positions and responsibilities.

Some employers only test as part of the pre-employment hiring process, while others can test for drugs and alcohol under certain circumstances. Each state holds its own laws regarding an employer’s limits on when and how drug screening can be conducted.

Employers Have Many Different Reasons to Drug Test Employees (more…)

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Everything You Never Knew about Anemia

Iron is a critical nutrient for you body, and too much or too little can lead to very unpleasant side effects. It’s important to understand how iron contributes to your overall wellness, as well as recognize the signs of iron deficiency. This is especially true if you are pregnant, since your developing child will demand iron as well.

The Role of Iron In the Body

Iron is an essential mineral that helps send oxygen throughout the body. This means that iron plays a vital role in hemoglobin, which is the component of red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs and distributes it to different areas of the body. (more…)

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How to Choose the Right Prenatal Vitamins During Pregnancy

As soon as you become pregnant, you need to begin nourishing your body in a way that also supports the growth and development of your baby. One of the best ways to do this is by finding a high quality prenatal vitamin, but it’s hard to identify the best choice in the sea of options at most stores. These tips will help you cut out the confusion and make a wise choice.

Check For the Most Important Ingredients

Don’t even think about purchasing a prenatal vitamin that does not include folate. Also known as vitamin B9, folate prevents neural tube defects and Spina Bifida. Unfortunately, most prenatal vitamins try to cut costs by using folic acid instead of folate. (more…)

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A Quick Guide to Allergies

Allergies encompass so much more than just sneezing and itchy eyes. You might have food allergies, pet allergies, or seasonal allergies that cause uncomfortable symptoms or even put you in danger of severe reactions. Fortunately, lab tests can determine which specific allergies are causing your issues so you can seek the best treatment and finally feel comfortable again.

Food Allergies

A true food allergy can develop at any age when the body’s immune system overreacts and identifies an otherwise safe food as a danger, stimulating a response to fight the “dangerous” food away. About five percent of the population suffers from this type of allergy and must eliminate the foods that cause the allergic reactions. (more…)

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3 Facts You Definitely Need to Know about STDs

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It’s easy to pretend that STDs will never impact your life, but the truth is that STDs are fairly common in our country. Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs every year, and contracting just one STD increases your risk of contracting another. Check out these three facts about STDs that will help you realize they are a threat meant to be taken seriously.

STDs Don’t Discriminate

Sexually transmitted diseases don’t care if you have a high-powered job or a family that you love. They also don’t care about your age, race, or body type. As long as you are sexually active, you are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Even people with only one or two sexual partners can contract an STD without knowing it. (more…)

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Read more about the article How Does STD Home Testing Work?
Lesley McClurg tests the at-home, over-the-counter food allergy test at KQED Headquarters in San Francisco, Calif., on Wednesday, April 11, 2018. (Lauren Hanussak/KQED)

How Does STD Home Testing Work?

How Does STD Home Testing Work?

Did you know that STDs can affect anybody who is sexually active? Whether you have had one sexual partner or dozens of sexual partners in your life, you are still at risk for diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes. Despite their prevalence- more than 20 million people will be diagnosed with STDs this year alone!- far too many people put off or avoid STD testing for months or years.

Procrastinating on an essential health screening like an STD test jeopardizes your health. STDs are quite manageable when caught early, and some can even be cured with just one round of antibiotics. However, when STDs go undiagnosed or untreated, they often lead to dangerous health complications and lose their ability to be cured easily. (more…)

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How to Test For STDs Without Embarrassment or Shame

Getting yourself tested for STDs isn’t something you want to broadcast to the world. In fact, many people neglect STD testing, even when it’s critical to their health, because they are unwilling to face the embarrassment and cost of testing.

However, STD testing is an important component of ongoing health and wellness, especially considering about 20 million people in America contract an STD each year. Most STDs can be easily cured with antibiotics, and the others can be managed with medications. The only harm come from ignoring STD symptoms and declining testing because untreated STDs can become life threatening.

You know that nagging voice in the back of your head telling you to get tested for STDs is right, so here is how you can do it conveniently, privately, and quickly.


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3 Important Reasons to Get Tested for STDs

3 Important Reasons to Get Tested for STDs

Whether you are from Long Island, New York or Tampa, Florida, sexually transmitted diseases are no joke. Unfortunately, most of them can infiltrate your body without providing obvious and clear-cut symptoms. A full 19 million new STD cases are registered each year,  and it is much better to be safe than sorry by getting tested for STDs yourself. The idea of STD testing carries a stigma, but it shouldn’t. It’s a prudent and important choice to make, not just for your own health, but for your sexual partners as well.

STDs Don’t Discriminate

Sexually transmitted diseases don’t care if you make a lot of money or have an impressive college degree. They also don’t care about your age, race, or body type. As long as you are sexually active, you are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. STD testing is the wise choice because it only requires your blood, urine, or cell samples to identify exactly what disease you have and how it can be treated. (more…)

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